Understanding The Additional Car Insurance Coverage Options

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For most people, buying car insurance is a pretty straightforward thing. They just call and ask for the state minimum coverage, or they request whatever coverage limits their auto loan provider requires. However, when you do this, you may be missing out on enhanced coverage options that could be available to you. Here are a few additional coverage options you should discuss with your car insurance provider.

Roadside Assistance Coverage

Roadside assistance coverage on your car insurance is likely different from the roadside assistance club you're used to. In some cases, roadside assistance coverage will simply reimburse you for the costs you've incurred for roadside assistance through any provider that you decide to contact. You just send the receipt to your insurance office, and they cut you a check for the amount that you spent.

In other cases, you may be provided with a phone number to call for roadside assistance, but the assistance that's provided will often be limited. For example, they may be willing to send someone out to help you change your flat tire, but you have to provide the spare to change it to. Or, if you run out of gas, they will bring you a couple of gallons of gas at the insurance company's expense just to get you to the nearest gas station.

Talk with your agent about what kind of roadside assistance coverage you might be able to get for your car.

Rental Car Coverage

Rental car coverage is a great investment for your auto insurance policy. This coverage allows you to seek reimbursement of a set dollar amount per day for the use of a rental car if your vehicle is undergoing repairs for a covered claim. 

This can help to save your budget when you're in need of transportation after an accident, especially if you have a deductible to pay for the repairs themselves. Sometimes rental car coverage comes with different options for reimbursement rates. Ask your car insurance provider about your choices.

Gap Coverage

When you're buying a brand-new car, you'll find that the car depletes in value significantly for the first several months that you own it. Since your auto insurance policy may not pay you enough to cover the full cost of the car if it's totaled, gap coverage helps to ensure that you receive enough to pay off the loan or to reimburse you for the purchase.

Talk with your insurance agent about these options and to ensure that you get the car insurance policy that's right for you.

To learn more, contact a resource like the Lung Insurance Agency.
